Independent Funeral Celebrant
Bereavement Coach
Companion to the Dying
My approach is to view death, dying and bereavement as normal transitions in life.
Through my own experiences of loss I am drawn to working deeply with people at the end of life. I have been coaching others through similar life events since 2004.
I have over 25 years experience of working closely with individuals and groups through professional coaching, group facilitation and training.
What I bring to this work with the dying and bereaved is an in-depth understanding of personal relationships, life’s big transitions and the importance of ritual and ceremony.
‘May this dark grief flower with hope in every heart that loves you’
John O Donohue
Trained Professional
Independent Funeral Celebrant with the award-winning training company, Green Fuse

Soul Midwife (Companion to the dying) with Felicity Warner
Professional Coach qualified with an organisation accredited by the International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentoring
Qualified Facilitator of The Work That Reconnects.
This is group work around collective grieving and “transforming despair and overwhelm into inspired, collaborative action”, to quote its founder Joanna Macy.
I endeavour to be compassionate and sensitive,
to work with integrity, authenticity, care and attention.